Hello! 👋

My name is Ashay Rane, and I am helping build the compiler at Rain Neuromorphics.

I am a Computer Science major by training, and I previously worked either full time or as an intern at Cerebras, Galois, Google, Groq, Microsoft (Research), Salesforce.com, SAP Labs, Symmetry Systems, and the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC).

I enjoy learning about different aspects of Systems work, and I have previously worked on building compilers, optimizing performance of scientific and industry applications, and securing programs against side-channel attacks. I have dabbled in program verification, programming robots, and graphic design.

Outside of work, you’ll find me clumsily riding my bike around town, trying to juggle, relishing the cold but sunny outdoors, or enjoying a big bowl of granola.

To get hold of me, please email me at ashay.rane@utexas.edu.